Welcome and thank you for visiting my blog. As the title suggest, this is where I archive my 'public' writings. You won't find any BS opinion postings here; just poetry with a few short stories sprinkled about. Take a look and thanks again!
Apocalypse Surrounds Them

The epoch is an ignited firefly [or a swarm]
I witness it as I am
Sunken deep within my chasms
Absorbing the flames
Through their dilating precipices
Apocalypse surrounds them
          the chasms

This phase is a terrifying thing
And my mother is worried that
         I will shoot myself at 40
This phase is a sensual thing
          [sex and love fall woefully short]
And my friend [my brother] doesn't
          Understand why they [or we] travel such twilight muddy roads
Because you must

Speak what you know
Write what you know
I know nothing
          it is a terrifying thing
I feel nothing [or everything]
          it is a sensual thing
But I am only 22
          and I hope my mother is wrong
It should have been different
It should have been easy
I am not
         different nor easy

While I rake the walls of my chasms
And of forever-faceted layers of filtering smudgy blankets
And the rolling valleys of my cranium
          deeply recessed
For a "what you know"
Seeing nothing through my chasms
          widely dilated now

As apocalypse surrounds them
ROFL ::decompressing sigh::

You know, I remember stories...
"Do you?"
Of funny things we praise.
"Tell me about them."

Well, take Bradford;
Offered 3 hours of recording time. Free of charge.
Had to cancel though.
Teammate had checked out the equipment,
Charged them $100 - their only option then.

          "That was a hoot! Albeit not within dictum..."

Oh! And remember Jezebel?
"Do I ever, sexy princess."
She complained about the quality of men,
"LOL! I recall her rant."
Then left Loving Edward for a Man of Quality.

          "A doctor I think. How is Ed?"
          Eaten by worms while finishing his book.

And then there was Max,
          Well, Maximus to be clear (or Maxine to be queer)
He climbed Everest in just 3 years,
But the Economics Committee appealed -
He'd taken too many unnecessary steps
          Sight Seeing he said
So they refund his ticket...
          and his application fee

          "He did look rather gangling when he got back."
          It was a steady diet of chickpeas and vegetarianisms

But let's not forget my fav.: Luke!
"The one and only!... poor bastard."
He declined his seat on the shuttle to the Light.
"To the Sun, actually... He told me it was on principle alone."
Either case, they laughed him into a flower pot.

          "I heard he drowned."
          ... In the flower pot. See?

But forget all that. My brother gave me gas money.
Right in front of Justin...
... or is it Justice? (he's a she, right?)
Anyway, Altruism insisted that I fill my tank,
But I bought a candy bar and two sodas.

"And?... What happened?"
Well, nothing, it's Justin... and Altruism is a sissy.
"Right, she's quite blind without her glasses."
I fathom that's why she loves piƱatas so much...