Welcome and thank you for visiting my blog. As the title suggest, this is where I archive my 'public' writings. You won't find any BS opinion postings here; just poetry with a few short stories sprinkled about. Take a look and thanks again!
The Smore's Life

I roasted my intentions on an open fire
Fluffy desires turned into something else
Set aflame and gone black and ashy
Until I couldn't really recognize them anymore

I took them and smashed them
Against the stale and crusty expectations of old generations
Not really compatible with much of what I have
And against a wall of foregone romance and marriage
Excessively sweetened to hide its inevitable bitterness

Staring at the cataclysm
I was rather surprised
Disgusting as it looked
I still managed to taste the intentions left within

What a hoot the smores life has been