Welcome and thank you for visiting my blog. As the title suggest, this is where I archive my 'public' writings. You won't find any BS opinion postings here; just poetry with a few short stories sprinkled about. Take a look and thanks again!
The Swing I Loved

Dream-clad hands clasp chains
The ammo is mounted in the sling
I have come to visit you tonight

There is an eruption in ears
These melodies are so quiet
Don't worry, I will return after daylight

There is no home
There needn't be a home
I have come to visit you tonight

To and fro it's flung
And land amidst burning orbs
Don't worry, I will return after daylight

Ink Sky, you are an edifice
Burning Orbs, you are time travelers
I have come to visit you tonight

The air is hot
The glow of the clock, bright
Don't worry, I will return after daylight

I have come to visit you tonight
Don't worry, I will return after daylight