The Fighter
A powerful thing you are
A beautiful thing
Born and made of Violence
You are sworn to it
Both a captive and a politician of it
You are the fighter
Every stomp and quiet step you take is a battle
Take them! Take them on I say!
The children the parents the dictators and the lovers
Show them your dominion
Inform them of your power over them
They shall not pass and you shall stand above
Scars? What of them?
You flash them brazenly like all your bloodied comrades
"Chicks dig scars" and P.S. Fuck Off
Yes I hear you and thus I will not assume an iota of you
You are complex, impenetrable on all fronts
You are the fighter
Fight for your power so they know you never fell
Fight for your friends and family so they may never be touched
Fight for the weak under your wings
Fight for your survival
Fight the sex that destroys and vanquish it
Fight the men with their own swords
Your gloves are as iron as your will
The arena you've built is astounding and vast
The walls feel cagey like iron; like your gloves; like your will
Gripping the walls peering through the spaces I think I see you
Your swing is percussive and piercing
I've no doubt your stamina outlasts entire stars
Your arena is vast.