Welcome and thank you for visiting my blog. As the title suggest, this is where I archive my 'public' writings. You won't find any BS opinion postings here; just poetry with a few short stories sprinkled about. Take a look and thanks again!

Home Life

Drifting drifting drifting...
The pavement welcomes me
With the somber march of piano solos--

--The earbuds protected me.
I'm cradled by my leather office throne,
And the cool din of electronic windows
Into my perilous imaginations.

I erect my homely figure with tired,

          I ingest my perimeter.

This beige box in which I reside,
Like college dorm rooms,
Has Teflon walls incapable of photographs...
Going on twenty years...

From here I listen to Tim
Cry out into the dark of night,
Sleeping on full time jobs
And resuscitation of ancient principles.

Mother wakes up in an angry winter sweat.
Paces back and forth weeping for the cat we never owned.
Whaling about the fall of Men;
How incompetent and fucking hateful we are.

          I make it to the end of the hallway.

Beside me is the cave
Where Pierce guzzled his grass, speed, and melancholy,
And Taylor and I pinned him down for exorcisms of rage.
Now? Tim just gasps for air in his motor snores.

At the base of the steps Shady ages with the season.
Forgets that Taylor and Pierce aren't coming home...
Stares at me passionately vacant
Protesting my orders to go up and sleep.

Hissing flaccid embers...
Mother forgot to turn off the fireplace;
Exhaustion from war
and living.

          Finally, the BattlezoneTheatre of War;

I stand in the contemplative glow of the kitchen lamp,
Glance my fingers across the forgotten battle scar
Where Tim landed four knuckles
In desperation to avoid mother's face.

Before earbuds
I watched the war
And the sight of lovers holding hands was awkward;
My Chinese neighbors calling for their children in Mandarin.

On the table is a letter from Grandpa Richard
About how Jane's rants of alien devices and moon conspiracies
Weren't his fault but the shrinks', and now he's set a trap for them
From his lonely boat in the Pacific.

          I don't know what - I didn't bother to finish...

First Steps to Victory

Greeting my heroes for the first time in months,
bowing at their stanza pages for revrant wisdom,
In the low-down uptown cafe,
I snatch the whisper of memory incense.
Lingering from my corded sweater,
Burned in happy obsession and calmifications,
The incense is a beautiful teacher with fiery hair -
          Who snapped and poofed away my potassium torch
          I used to burn a hole in my chest
          To fill with obsidian marbles and coal-lead monoliths
- that asked "what are you doing there?"
To a gremlin rocking back in forth in the corner of my skull
Gnawing on my liver muttering,
"My work is all I have"
"My work is all I have"
"But isn't it beautiful?"
"But isn't it beautiful?"
"Isn't it beautiful???????"
And new prophets, and incense and grass graced me.
Explained to the gremlin that New Years had passed.
Valentines was approaching.
I'd need it back... everything.
So the gremlin sneered -- "Fine then!"
And rung the juices and tears out of my ragged liver,
And squeezed,
Until my machine-face buckled.
As I gasped for expressions of love and breathing,
Incense plunged into my back
Punished the gremlin with a kiss
And it cried with me in apology.
Now, the incense fills my nostrils

Grand stars and christmas lights, gouache and leather notebooks, cheeks and music, incense;
Welcome home