Welcome and thank you for visiting my blog. As the title suggest, this is where I archive my 'public' writings. You won't find any BS opinion postings here; just poetry with a few short stories sprinkled about. Take a look and thanks again!
Reasons for Elation

"How was your Valentine's Day?"
I was asked.

I replied:

"It was inexorably phenomenal
The sun rose and set exactly when it was supposed to
Each hour of the day was identically as long as the one before
And there was precisely twenty-four hours in it."

In every sense of the word
The passing of Valentine's Day
Was Perfection."

How glad I am to have had an opportunity
To live in this universe.
Inspired by Others

This will not be kind
It will not be blind
The paradigm will be resolved with a purposeful mind.

I have seen the end
With a wide angle lens
It will be gone in seconds.

The aeon's replete
With a sort of defeat
But today we won't buy into this motif.

Because it wasn't born here
Or in a far away there
But this time in the hearts of Everywhere.

I have seen the end
With a wide angle lens
And it will make up for the previous dead.
The Necessity

This furnace has dwindled too long.
Time's appropriate for a reignite.
The cold mass must to be hot within,
In order for anything worthy to come of this.
It must be pine;
Oak burns too slow.
So let the dry needles roar,
And let the process obliterate most of what goes in.
It may be a waste.
Everyone around feels the heat.
But don't let them step in,
Or they'll end up like most of what comes out;
A sundering cinder of freckled sparkles,
That die in seconds.
Give it a few hours,
Fuck who knows...
Until the pine is burned up,
And we have a piece of coal to draw with.
The markings will stay on the walls forever.
If not,
Then there's a mass of iron in the corner,
Hard as it was before,
Cold forever.
It may be a waste.
But throw in the pine anyway,
We need the coal.
Respect Those Elders

Perhaps I was wrong from the beginning
There is no axiom for valid
Or is? Let's talk purpose

I watched him
For so many years
I am still watching

Click n' Click
Game n' Game
Tick n' Tick your life away
I say

Wake up you bastard
Before life falls short of the ninth board
What about the rest of it?
I wanted to say

It was none of my business
Life is for one
So don't you dare
She told me

It's by our design
And who are you to say?
That this is the best design?
Another asked me

Well I guess that's that
Points taken
I'll not scream too loud to get this across

Some will build the bricks
Others will lay the roads
No lots were cast for him
This was all opted for

He and I will will never truly talk though
So as I pack my bags
I'll be sure to pay respect at the current exchange rate,
On my way out