A Religion for Metropolis
He was not born
but made of the city.
And when he walked,
a sum and in spite of it,
the Scholars of Cass
(1) cried success.
While the Sodomites screamed heresy,
and we gazed on in apathy.
He jest of the Sodomites,
and the kings who cried rape,
while he adorned their cloaks and furs.
We sat and played cards, he and I,
shared stories of our own rape,
consoled Slaves to Greatness
and I envied his inabilities.
The Sodomites splayed him out
and demanded: "Testify!"
He was the Jesus of Detroit
Shepard and savior of the Projects
Martyr of Georgia,
and breathed on his third day.
He was the progress of all failure.
And when he became a man,
I shed not a single tear.
Decadence was in his name
this man made of slaves,
and urban stone.
1.) Cass Tech 2.) Chicago